發現了這首 Corner of the Sky
很喜歡他的旋律 以及歌詞的內容
到底 人生在追尋什麼
到底 什麼是有意義的
不過如何找到這個地方 我想就是靠每個人的努力了
不要放棄 不要畫地自限 🙂
旅行 我覺得也是一個跟自己對話的方式
看看別人 想想自己
跳脫原本的環境 很多事情 會變得更清楚
把握每個機會 😀
以下 附上歌詞
Everything has its season
Everything has its time
Show me a reason
And I’ll soon show you a rhyme
Cats sit on the window sill
Children sit in the show
Why do I feel I don’t fit in
Anywhere I go
Rivers belong where they can ramble
Eagles belong where they can fly
I’ve got to be where my spirit can run free
Gotta find my corner, of the sky
Every man his daydreams
Every man has his goal
People like the way dreams have of
Sticking to the soul
Thunderclouds have their lightning
Nightingales have their song
And don’t you see I want my life to be
Something more than long…
Rivers belong where they can ramble
Eagles belong where they can fly
I’ve got to be where my spirit can run free
Gotta find my corner, of the sky
So many men seem destined
To settle for something small
But I won’t rest
Until I know I have it all
So don’t ask where I’m going
Just listen when I’m gone
And far away you’ll hear me singing
Softly to the dawn
Rivers belong where they can ramble
Eagles belong where they can fly
I’ve got to be where my spirit can run free
Gotta find my corner, of the sky